Admissions to AGPS Elite
To quality for AGPS Elite all incoming students are required to take the AGPS Elite admissions test. Your student's testing level is determined by the grade to which they are applying. The paper test requires students to bubble-in their multiple-choice responses on a separate answer sheet and handwrite an essay.
Middle, and Upper Levels
The Middle and Upper levels are for students applying to Grades 7-12. These levels feature standardized Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections that measure a student's capability for learning as well as Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Achievement sections that provide specific information about a student's strengths and weaknesses in those areas. The Reading Comprehension section evaluates not only a student's reading level, but also their ability to comprehend material drawn from the sciences and humanities. The test also includes an unscored essay written in response to a prompt. Middle and Upper Levels include two scheduled 5- to 10-minute breaks.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend registering as early as possible in order to secure your ideal testing date.
Student Identification
Students are required to present identification at check-in on the day of testing. The AGPS Test Center requires original identification documents for both students and parents. If a student’s identity is in question before, during, or after an exam, AGPS will not release test scores and reserves the right to
investigate the matter at the expense of the family.
Testing Materials
No books, rulers, calculators (unless a student has an approved accommodation for calculator use), smart watches, or mobile devices of any kind (unless due to a medical diagnosis or authorized as a secondary device for at-home testing) may be brought into the testing room by candidates. If a student does not
comply, they will be excused from testing and their test will be invalidated. Families may not receive a refund for invalidated tests. Students may bring a snack and drink to have during the scheduled break(s). Students taking the paper test modality may bring four sharpened #2 or HB pencils, four erasers (if not part of the pencil), and two black or blue ballpoint pens (erasable pens are permitted) into the testing room. Students taking an at-home exam may have four pieces of scratch paper, two pencils, and/or two pens (erasable pens are permitted) in the testing room.
Score Reports
Score reports include an overview of your student’s performance on each of the test sections compared to that of their peers, as well as their performance broken down by subsection categories.
These scores are based only on the number of questions your student responded to correctly; there are no penalties for incorrect responses. Only multiple-choice questions are scored. The essay is not scored.