Students are aided by our library and academic staff in independent research projects.
Students will learn how to write research papers to guide them in their university majors and in a broad range of disciplines.
Students have access to a mandatory afterschool English program to refine their English language capabilities. Spoken conversation and production are emphasized as are cultural adaption and cultural awareness preparation for living and studying in the United States. These courses improve English writing and conversation, and intend to make students mature
Students have wide range to intellectual and physical activities, such as chess and American soccer to familiarize themselves with confidence, logic and strategy, and cooperation.
Students are expected to organize a student newspaper which publishes on a semi-annual basis. These activities are organized in the school library after class hours.
Academic staff and advisors are always present to suggest potential directions to grow independent student needs individually.
Academic staff and advisors give students personal private consultations to chart their unique academic path. Advisors are American university graduates who understand the American high education system and the path to university success. The applicant admissions process to American universities is an elaborate affair that is a 2-year event. Students apply to multiple universities to ensure the best placement. AGPS Elite handles this responsibility. Students typically apply to 6-10 universities. Each university may require multiple admissions essays that must be written and designed to perfection. Admission to the best American universities leads to eventual placement in the world’s top companies and to positions of importance. Ensure your child will become a future leader with AGPS.
Grade 9
There is no formal interaction with AGPS Elite’s college counseling process in the first year of high school. Students are advised to work hard at their studies and engage actively in school life.
Grade 10
There is no formal interaction with AGPS Elite’s college counseling process in the second year of high school though questions sometime arise and may be forwarded to the deputy headmaster through a student’s homeroom teacher. The College Counseling Office administers an optional Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in October as a practice test to help students gain familiarity with the form of the SAT Reasoning Test. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is a multiple choice test that measures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities important for academic performance in college. It consists of five sections: two verbal and two mathematical (each section lasting 25 minutes), and one writing (lasting 30 minutes). The test measures a student's ability to reason with facts and ideas rather than to recall and recite facts. It includes questions that require written responses. PSAT scores can be used to estimate performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test Reasoning Test. We advise against any formal preparation for the PSAT. A practice ACT is also given in the spring. Subject tests are no longer offered by the College Board and are therefore no longer required by colleges.
Grade 11
The first introduction to college counseling begins in December of the junior year with Junior College Night. Parents and juniors receive an overview of the AGPS Elite college process and are invited to ask questions. Students also receive an extensive Handbook at that time, filled with information about the process.
Grade 12
Individual counseling continues during the first semester of senior year, as do the group meetings initiated in the spring semester of the junior year. In addition to the mandatory conferences in the fall, seniors are encouraged to meet with their college counselors during the semester about the completion of their college applications.
AGPS Elite Offers the Following:
Volunteer Opportunities
Sports Programs
Performing Arts
Speech and Debate
Contests and Competitions
Internship Placement
Community Service
Leadership Program
Entrepreneurial Studies
AGPS magazine - Global Leader Today: Eagle's Voice Magazine