
AGPS Elite is committed in recognizing and developing every student’s full potential intellectually, emotionally, physically, morally and socially through helping her/him to be the best she/he can by providing her/him with quality education through a wide range of learning experiences.
To foster independence to every student by providing well-prepared learning activities at her/his own pace which are geared towards the development of self-confidence, inner discipline and sense of self-worth;
To guide every student to understand the environment and help her/him achieve satisfaction with her/himself in the present and future society;
To immerse every student in an integrated approach that ties the separate subjects together into studies of the physical universe, the world of nature, and the human experience as a basis for lifelong learning;
To develop every student’s process of thinking which involves judging, exploring, experimenting, inferring and to help her/him learn how to find and use resources in solving problems;
To train every student on how she/he should grow to be a responsible person with moral values;
To continue our parents’ partnership program through parent-teacher conferences and coffee time to strengthen their trust with us in the development of their children.