Discover AGPS Elite Curriculum

7th Grade
MATHEMATICS: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability
ENGLISH: poetry; grammar; one short story; formal introduction to poetic terms; critical and creative writing.
HISTORY: world history from 200 through 1500 C.E., including the origins of Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire; the Byzantine Empire; Islam; Hinduism; and the spread of Buddhism to China; the Chinese Empire from Han to early Ming; the impacts of the Mongol conquests on Eurasia; and ending with the emergence of Europe from feudalism through the Renaissance.
SCIENCE: The first year of a two year program in the physical sciences. Topics include:
-Life Sciences –Earth and Space Systems –Physical Sciences –Engineering –Technology –Applications of Science
-Development of listening, speaking, reading and writing; writing or character writing and typing skills; grammar immersion (through 12th grade).
WRITING WORKSHOP: for students in the afterschool program.
MUSIC, DRAMA: Instrumental music and percussion.
STUDIO ART: Exploration of the elements of art. One museum study assignment is required.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: lessons on practical application of public speaking skills, including interview politeness; storytelling; introducing and greeting with confidence.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Taekwondo, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, American Football, Dance
8th Grade
ENGLISH: short stories; grammar; poetry; formal introduction to narrative structure; critical and creative writing.
MATHEMATICS-- ALGEBRA I: development of problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding of algebra; review of equations, inequalities and applications; polynomial and rational expressions; radicals; solutions of linear, quadratic and rational equations; quadratic functions and models; computer programming; graphing utilities used as needed; guided problem solving throughout the year to reinforce and deepen conceptual understanding.
HISTORY: global history from 1500 to the late nineteenth century. Topics focus on the emergence of globalization including the European conquest of the Americas; the Ottoman and Mughal Empires; Ming and Qing China; Tokugawa Japan; the American, French and Latin American Revolutions; the Industrial Revolution; nineteenth-century European imperialism; and the Meiji Restoration in Japan.
SCIENCE: The first year of a two year program in the physical sciences. Topics include:
-Life Sciences –Earth and Space Systems –Physical Sciences –Engineering –Technology –Applications of Science
MODERN LANGUAGES: Development of listening, speaking, reading and writing; writing or character writing and typing skills; grammar immersion (through 12th grade).
WRITING WORKSHOP: continuation of the program from 7th grade.
MUSIC: see 7th grade.
STUDIO ART: drawing and painting from direct observation of the natural world. Techniques may include collage and mixed media. One museum study assignment is required.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: introduction to formal presentations and exchange.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: a continuation of the program began in 7th grade.
ENGLISH: short stories; grammar; poetry; formal introduction to narrative structure; critical and creative writing. 3 novels per year. Qualifying language comprehension test scores are required to study in the United States. The TOEFL English or IELTS tests are investigated in the high school English program. A high achieving score is necessary to obtain an F-1 student visa to live and study in the United States. Additionally, universities may require TOEFL or IELTS qualifying scores for admissions purposes. The SAT and ACT are standardized admissions tests used by American university admissions councilors. The SAT and ACT tests aim to correlate test scores to academic student performance outcomes. AGPS Elite prepares students for the SAT and ACT tests in the classroom and in afterschool programs. A high scores means qualifying international applicant submissions and successful university placement.
Placement is determined by the department.
HISTORY: 9th grade: The world and Europe 10th grade: The Rise of the Modern World 11th grade: US History 12th grade: US Government.
SCIENCE: 9th grade Biology 10th grade: Geology or Chemistry 11th and 12th grade: One full year laboratory course.
MODERN LANGUAGES: Development of listening, speaking, reading and writing; writing or character writing and typing skills; grammar immersion (through 12th grade).
WRITING WORKSHOP: continuation of the program from 7th grade.
MUSIC: Intensive program covering instrumental and percussion.
STUDIO ART: drawing and painting from direct observation of the natural world. Techniques may include collage and mixed media. One museum study assignment is required.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: introduction to formal presentations and exchange.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Refinement of Taekwondo techniques. Athletic program